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  • Strategy is at the core of NOVA. Leaning heavily into the strategic outlook, this takes into account all goals, wants, roadblocks, and space differentiation needed to create a podcast that cuts through the noise and creates our desired impact.

    During this step clients meet key players in our global team, and are introduced to the simple systems we use along the way. 

    Our experts & strategists combine their experience with the client’s vision to determine these potential concepts.

  • While also finishing up our initial strategy, the proposed concepts are brought to the table, discussed, and a decision is made on the final podcast concept.

    This concept is thoroughly tested through our discussion as to its alignment with the strategy, its purpose, and fulfillment of previously outlined KPIs.

    The process necessary for its production is also included in this confirmation, making sure that it also aligns with the time & experience restraints of the client. 

    During this time, all of the production schedule, backend, and management is set up for ongoing production.

  • Within the podcast world, two types of branding are of utmost importance: visual and sonic.

    This is the section where we translate the concept into visual and audio aspects. Our designers use their vast industry knowledge combined with the concept and goals to create assets such as cover art, video branding, fonts, colors, music, transitional audio, social media assets, and all other aspects culminating in a cohesive package for the vision and concept.

    Also during this section, AV equipment specifically necessary and optimized for the style of production and presentation is confirmed.

  • During this step, the final visual & sonic branding and podcast identity are confirmed, and production assets are created. 

    This is also the section where we move further into the specifics of the content. Depending on the nature of the structure, guest profiling, scheduling, content mapping, and planning are completed for long form content.

    We also confirm our social media strategy in this step. Using our Content Orchestra™, we design the content plan, mediums, and production all in line with the aims and strategy of the podcast itself.

  • With the equipment now having arrived, technical setup assistance (either in person or virtual) is given, along with expert guidance for aspects such as video backdrops, framing, microphone technique, and anything else required to have the performance fit synergistically with the brand.

    After its creation, the show’s trailer is recorded, bringing together everything worked on in the previous steps.

    While the trailer is being set to premiere, production planning is taking place, taking into account timeframes, schedules, guests, deadlines, and all necessary aspects.

    At this point, the most strategically optimized version of the most ideal concept of the podcast is ready to premiere.

Launch Steps

Session Replays

Session #1: Conceive

Feb 21, 2025

Session #2: Create

Feb 27, 2025

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Session #3: Curate


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Session #4: Construct


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Tutorial: Consider


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Session #5: Consult